Services Provided

Naturopathic Consultation 90-Minutes

Naturopathic Consultation service. Flower and product.

When you book for a 90-minute Naturopathic Consultation, you will be invited to complete an intake form providing health information, lifestyle information and dietary information. This intake form is used in preparation of our consult, and is the foundation to your Wellness Plan.

During your Naturopathic Consult we do a deep dive into the health issue you want to work on, and look holistically at what factors could be at play. We look at health history, lifestyle and dietary components.

We also use Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) to match the correct herbal, homeopathic or other remedies to your needs. See Applied Kinesiology for more information.

You will leave the consult with a remedy blend tested through Applied Kinesiology, and a few days later I will email you your Wellness Plan. Your Wellness Plan is tailored to your needs, and provides realistic, easy and cost-effective changes that you can successfully implement. It is a holistic plan: it covers the physical, the emotional-mental, and social-environmental parts of your life.

We stay in touch (bi-)weekly to check progress. This contact also allows us to tweak what may need tweaking.

Naturopathic Consultation 60-Minutes

Photo of naturopathic remedies.

If you need some wellness support right now, but don’t have the bandwidth to make too many changes, the 60-minute Naturopathic Consultation might be perfect for you. There will be no intake form to complete, and we will work more specifically on the complaint you need support for right now.

We use Applied Kinesiology to match the correct herbal, homeopathic, or other remedies to your needs. See Applied Kinesiology for more information.

You will leave the consult with a remedy blend and some generalised suggestions on diet and supplementation, and lifestyle, but you will not receive a Wellness Plan.

Child Consultation 0-12 Yrs Old

Clinic Consultation

Children have unique health needs, and my Child Consultations are tailored to address their well-being. I work within their ability and aim to create a space where they feel safe and comfortable.

I offer natural remedies and realistic strategies to support your child’s health and wellness. Whether they are struggling with a physical issue, or an emotional challenge, behavioural or environmental, I use muscle testing to find a supportive remedy blend for your child.

Consider digestive issues, behavioral issues, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, stress, and sleep issues.

Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a form of bodywork. It works by gently stretching the fascia (the soft tissue that covers your organs and muscles) to reduce tension, improve function, and provide pain relief. The nervous system is actively involved in this fascia work, and allows for reduction of the ‘fight-flight’ response and improvement of the ‘rest and digest’ mechanism.

Bowen Therapy can have a surprising range of possible changes. There have been reports of great results in injury recovery, pain reduction, sciatica, repetitive strain injury, lower back pain, joint pain, migraines, but also hormonal imbalance (PMS or infertility), digestive issues, respiratory issues, fibromyalgia and autoimmune disease.

The gentle and purposeful moves can be performed through a thin layer of clothing and are usually tolerated very well.

There is no manipulation involved.

Baby Bowen

Baby Bowen

“Baby Bowen” is Bowen Therapy for newborns, babies and young children.

The fascia release that Bowen facilitates, can support your newborn or baby after a traumatic pregnancy, birth or first weeks of life. It can be helpful in the following situations:

Discomfort, unsettled, crying/screaming a lot, vomiting, spilling, difficulty latching on, constipation or digestive upsets such as cramps, bloating or wind pain.

It can also support better breathing such as with asthma.

Furthermore, Baby Bowen can help when your baby seems to settle in a specific position only, and appears to be in pain if they are put in a different position.

A Bowen session for your baby is very gentle, quick, and non-invasive. The gentle and purposeful moves can be performed through a thin layer of clothing and are usually tolerated very well.

There is no manipulation involved.

Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing)

Applied Kinesiology

I use this tool of muscle testing to help gain clarity on the current condition and energy levels of your body to help me decide on the most appropriate and efficient combination of remedies and therapies for you.

Especially when the symptoms you are struggling with, are vague or difficult to treat, Applied Kinesiology can provide new insight into the possible cause, as well as help choose a different approach to improve these symptoms.

Wellness Program

Wellness Program

This program is for busy mothers who need to get their mojo back. Who need to get their energy back. Who need to get their confidence back.

As a busy mother, you tend to put yourself last on the priority list, and after a few years, that really starts to show in fatigue, hormonal upsets and digestive issues, among other things. Prolonged stress and not enough downtime or relaxation cause havoc on your body, and this Wellness Program is created to support you to get back on track, without overwhelming you more.

The holistic approach will allow you to be supported on all levels, and the presentation of the Program is flexible enough to take part without it becoming yet another stressful thing to do.

The strength and support drawn from the group, all busy mothers who understand your world, can inspire, uplift, and calm you, and lasting connections with fellow mothers can be made.

Watch this space, and reach out if you are keen to know more.

Supporting your holistic well-being and nurturing your mind, body, and spirit.

I am committed to providing you with a comprehensive range of services that goes beyond consultations. I believe in nurturing your overall well-being and empowering you to achieve optimal health on all levels. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, nurture your mind, body, and spirit, and unlock your full potential for vibrant health and well-being.

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